Exciting Partner Plans: Lumen + Desmos

    By Deborah Hur, STEM Platform Product Manager

    As you may have seen in our 11/13 joint announcement, Lumen is partnering with Desmos to make graphing super easy, fun, and intuitive so students can focus on the math and not struggle to use outdated technology.

    This blog post shares […]

      Lumen Learning, Desmos partner to bring intuitive, accessible graphing to online homework system OHM

      Online graphing calculator will increase interactivity and ease-of-use for students using Lumen OHM to learn graphing and related mathematical concepts

      Portland, Ore. and San Francisco (November 13, 2019) – Today open education innovator Lumen Learning and digital learning tool creator Desmos […]

        Careful Attention to Learning Design Shapes New OER-based College Algebra Corequisite Course from Lumen Learning

        Course materials meet students where they are, providing built-in review and remediation designed to increase student confidence and success in math

        Portland, Ore. (November 12, 2019) – Today open education innovator Lumen Learning announced the availability of a new version of its popular College Algebra […]

          CSU’s Affordable Learning Solutions and Lumen Learning partner to expand choices for affordable, quality learning materials

          Focused on general education curriculum, Lumen’s interactive OER courseware approved for use by California State University faculty and students

          Portland, Ore. (July 17, 2019) – California State University’s (CSU) Affordable Learning Solutions (AL$) has approved open education innovator Lumen Learning […]

            VCCS Funds Access to Lumen’s Supported OER Courseware with No Cost to Students

            Virginia Community College System renews agreement making Lumen Learning’s OER courseware and support services available to any VCCS student, faculty, and college

            Portland, Ore. (May 16, 2019) – Lumen Learning announced it has finalized an agreement with the Virginia Community College System […]

              News: Carnegie Mellon University, Lumen Learning Partner To Expand Support for Evidence-based Learning Materials

              Mission-aligned collaboration demonstrates promising model for continuously improving effectiveness of learning materials 

              Pittsburgh and Portland, Ore. (April 10, 2019) – Carnegie Mellon University’s Simon Initiative and open courseware provider Lumen Learning today announced a partnership to share tools for developing, evaluating and […]

                The OER Degree Initiative Catalog

                By Kim Thanos, CEO

                In conjunction with Open Education Week 2019, we’re happy to introduce the OER Degree Initiative Course Catalog, a collection of course materials developed for the Open Educational Resources (OER) Degree Initiative, led by Achieving the Dream […]

                  New Course Release: Introduction to Business

                  By Vallerie Mott, Course Product Manager

                  We’re excited to announce the release of a new version of Introduction to Business, one of Lumen’s most popular OER courses. A huge benefit of using OER is our ability to make rapid, timely updates focused on improving student learning.
