four hands placed on another persons hand


Making the Case for OER

Use the plays below to build a network of supporters who will advocate for the change you want to make.


    Use this play to: Find opportunities to increase your impact by identifying courses with the combination of high enrollments, high DFW rates (Drop-Fail-Withdrawal), and high textbook costs. [...]


      Use this play to: Invite a panel of students who have used OER to speak publicly about how using open educational resources makes a difference for them [...]


        Use this play to: Invite a faculty panel to present at a local conference, professional development day, OER event and/or a regional/national conference. Note: Asterisk denotes [...]

        Questions we’re answering:

        • Why should faculty members care about OER with all of the other initiatives competing for their time and focus?
        • Why should administration and leadership care about OER?
        • Who are the important players who need to understand and support a successful initiative?
        • How do we start conversations and build support?

        Looking for guidance on how to get started with open educational resources or grow your OER initiative? We can help!

        Ask a Lumen Expert