Forging Fellowships of Effective Educators

    Lumen Awards Certificates in Effective Teaching Practice to Fall 2020 Lumen Circles Faculty Fellows

    Last June Lumen Learning purchased the higher education assets of Faculty Guild, an organization that facilitated virtual communities of practice to help faculty hone their expertise as effective teachers.

    We took this step because it moves […]

      A Round of Applause for Effective Teaching

      Lumen Awards Certificates in Effective Teaching with Courseware to First Cohort of Lumen Circles Success Accelerator Fellows

      Julie Curtis, VP Lumen Circles

      When we launched Lumen Circles’ Success Accelerator program in August, we understood it’s a bit of a different animal. Success Accelerator is a professional development program […]

        Supporting Adjuncts, Supporting Students: Creating Stronger Outcomes For Learning

        Adjunct faculty play an important role in higher education. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 46% of all post-secondary instructors are part-time, non-tenured faculty.* At nearly half of the total instructors, institutions increasingly must consider effective ways to support and develop their adjunct faculty. Investing in support for adjunct faculty means better learning […]

          A New Model for Professional Development

          David Wiley, PhD, Chief Academic Officer

          As my colleagues at Lumen and I have reflected on our mission – to enable unprecedented learning for all students – we’ve come to realize that while creating highly effective, highly affordable OER courseware moves us toward that goal, it will never get us there by itself. Because faculty play […]

            Using Digital Courseware to Create Thriving Communities

            Every educator has faced the challenge of engaging students and building community. Today’s environment, where learning may be online, face-to-face, or a hybrid between the two, makes it even harder.  But it doesn’t have to be difficult. Digital courseware can help instructors create environments where students are motivated, interested, and invested in the […]

              News: Lumen Learning Announces New Solution to Improve Teaching Effectiveness and Bolster Student Success in Higher Education

              Lumen Circles professional development platform and services focus on timely capabilities such as online teaching; active learning; open pedagogy; evidence-based teaching; and diversity, equity, and inclusion

              PORTLAND, Ore. (June 16, 2020) – Education innovator Lumen Learning announced plans to expand its work beyond open educational resources (OER) […]

                News: Lumen Learning Acquires Faculty Guild’s Higher Education Assets

                Lumen to launch Lumen Circles, a facilitated, peer-based professional development platform and services solution for higher education 

                PORTLAND, Ore. (June 16, 2020) – Lumen Learning announced it has acquired the intellectual property and higher education assets of Faculty Guild, a coaching service created in 2017 by education […]

                  Teaching Lumen Introductory Spanish Online: Tips & Suggestions

                  By John Urang, Course Product Manager, Humanities

                  Lumen’s Introductory Spanish I and Spanish II courseware was designed with flexibility in mind; it can be adapted for use online and in person, for large classes and small classes, synchronously and asynchronously, and with a variety of LMS tools and […]

                    Spring 2020: Course Roadmap Update

                    By Julie Curtis, VP Strategy & Communication

                    Despite huge disruption and uncertainty in the world generally and in higher education specifically, Lumen Learning is continuing to move forward with new course development, updates, and improvements focused on strengthening learning using open educational resources (OER). Recent global events reinforce our commitment to providing effective and affordable course […]